Like a fine wine, we get better with age, right? Absolutely….well mostly anyway. Imagine if you could hop into a DeLorean and travel back to your 20-year-old self, what would you say?
“Don’t sweat the small stuff, wear sunscreen, don’t give yourself bangs, be confident, love yourself, put on more sunscreen, and wear your retainer! After that, everything else will fall into place.” Well, that’s what we’d say anyway.
All of this infinite wisdom doesn’t come for free, our bodies suffer some wear and tear to gain their vintage appeal. Some of these signs of aging show in our face. They can be environmental from things like eating acidic foods, not properly caring for our skin, or clenching and grinding our teeth. Some things we end up with genetically, and much like the reindeer sweater your Nana made you for Christmas last year, you may not want it, but you can’t say no.
We have to tell you something, are you ready? Ok, here it goes….Our lips look the best they ever will at age 14! There….we said it! What a waste, right? Maybe if we knew, we would have spent more time smiling…. We can lose lip support for a number of different reasons. As time goes on, our teeth can move, sometimes they seem to lean inward, or become crowded like they are all squeezing together for a group picture. As a result, our faces can look older and our smile can actually look smaller. More bad news…. you know that cute little space between your nose and the top of your upper lip, it actually gets longer over time. Thanks a lot, gravity! This can make our lips look less full, and can also make less of our upper teeth show when we smile. Fun fact, this is where duck lips in selfies came from….ok not really, but it sounded like it could be legit. These changes happen subtly and over time, so you may not have noticed them right away until it seemed to be “too late” to stop them. We are almost done, put down your selfie stick and let’s talk about solutions.